In our case study we assessed different hourly systems and their performance in Multi-Market Trading, where we combine Wholesale Arbitrage on the Day-ahead, Intra-day and continuous Intraday markets with Ancillary Services, such as FCR.
But first of all: What is the difference between a 1h and a 2h system?
For example, a 1h-system can supply us with its nominal power for 1h, i.e. energy capacity and power capacity have a ratio of 1:1h, which is the case for a 10MW/10MWh system, for example. Similarly, a 2h system can supply us with its rated power for 2h. You see the pattern, and know how it works for a 3h or 4h system right?
The systems we investigated here have the following specifications:
Nominal power: 10MW
Nominal capacity: 10MWh (1h), 20MWh (2h), 3 MWh (3h), 4 MWh (4h)
Included markets wholesale markets: Day-ahead, Intra-day, Continuous Intra-day
Included Ancillary Services: FCR (Frequency restoration reserve)
Key Takeaways
In order to assess the business case and make an informed sizing decision for the storage, the sweet spot between investment costs and revenue potential must be found. This requires the analysis of combined trading and application opportunities on different markets and contrasting potential revenues to real investment costs. You need more insights? With suena Analytics we offer in detailed in depth analysis for diverse Battery storage business cases. We can see that with the costs for grid connection, transformers and power electronics remaining similar or increasing and the costs for battery modules falling, multi-hour systems are becoming increasingly interesting.